作者名称 国旗国籍

Abigail 가일



2020.08.22 06:38

🌟 When you combine these two sentences.

집에 오다 + 공부를 하다

home + study

You may choose the conjunction 'and'
'and' is usually translated as '그리고' or '그래서'

So, we can say
A. 나는 집에 와요 그리고 공부를 해요.(Present)
B. 나는 집에 왔어요 그래서 공부를 했어요.(Past)

Many Korean conjunction often combine verbs as conjunctive particles. These can be said

A-1. 나는 집에 오고 공부를 해요"(Present)
B-1. 나는 집에 와서 공부를 했어요"(Past)

Now a difference in meaning arise.

At A-1. The sentences states only 'sequence of time' '집에 오다' and '공부를 하다' don't have any causal connection. Just saying 'I'm studying after I come home.

But at B-1. Two verbs must be The two verb should be operated in the same place. Because conjunction '-아/어서(그래서) is used to refer to causality. This sentence can be translated as 'I came home and studied (at home)'

📝In summary

👍Simply referring to the sequence of time, use the conjunction '-고(그리고).
✌Refer to the causal relationship of motion (Occurs in the same place), use '-아/어서(그래서)

P.S. I didn't intend to explain it so dry, but I couldn't help it. I still hope it helps someone.😉
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  • Zoe 조이 2020.08.22 06:59


    This is helpful, thank you 🙏
  • Annie 애니 2020.08.22 07:02


    Thank you for such a good explanation! 🙏
  • 두부맨 2020.08.22 07:12


    레슨을 주셔서 감사드려요 🙏
  • François 프랑수와 Frank 2020.08.22 07:37




    I’m going to nitpick a bit. 어서/아서/여서 is not always a causal relationship. You don’t study BECAUSE you came home. The action before and after are connected, and they imply a sequence of actions, but the first action is not necessarily the CAUSE of the second action, so I think we need a different expression to explain this conjunctive verb ending. I think it’s better to explain it as a sequence of related actions. 친구를 만나고 영화를 보았어요. I met my friend(s) and I watched a movie. 친구를 만나서 영화를 봤어요. I met my friend(s) and I watched a movie (with my friend or friends). The relationship between the two clauses can be causal, or it can be a place, or it can be people, or some other stuff. The essence of it is that the first action happens first, and then the second action happens, and the two actions are connected somehow.
  • Abigail 가일 2020.08.22 07:55


    @François 프랑수와 Frank Thank you for supplementary explanation. As you pointed out, '-어서' doesn't necessarily have to be causal, but I wanted to say that the two verbs ' happen in the same place. Many people use '-고' instead of '-어서' to tell 'what happened in the same place'. It is unnatural. Actually, I wrote this article in advance to compare '-어서-어서' and '-으니까-으니까.' as causal relationship conjunctions. Please understand me, It's soooo difficult to explain Korean grammar in English. I'm trying my best😭
  • François 프랑수와 Frank 2020.08.22 08:40




    @Abigail 가일 It’s very difficult, but I think you’re doing a great job. I just wanted to add a few small things that I thought would be helpful for learners. 😊

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