I’m taking this herb to help alleviate some really difficult
symptoms I have surrounding my cycle. It’s been pretty severe for the past couple years (definitely linked with the back injury, seeing as that area has a lot of blood stagnation).桃红四物汤为调经要方之一,是《玉机微义》转引的《医垒元戎》中的一个方子,也称加味四物汤。该方由四物汤加味桃仁、红花而成,功效为养血活血。现代研究表明,桃红四物汤具有扩张血管、抗炎、抗疲劳、抗休克、调节免疫功能、降脂、补充微量元素、抗过敏等作用。
材料:当归、熟地、川芎、白芍 、桃仁、红花各15 克。
To all my women out there, check it out if you can and need it!
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