Went to San Francisco🌁 to have a great day full of smiles, laughter
, memories and adventure. I saw beautiful views of the city, went on a small hike in the city was really nice discovering a new area to hike was very mesmerizing. Along the way walked a very beautiful puppy that had the most energetic and happiest energy to it🐕Today's positive quote of the day is
"Comfort zones are most often expanded through discomfort.” Discomfort is a catalyst for growth. It makes you yearn for something more. It forces you to change, stretch, and adapt."
We as human beings in order to grow have to be put through great tribulations, be put In uncomfortable situations for us as individuals to grow and blossom. In order to grow you must do things that scare you then and only then can you find strength, and courage, the will and motivation to be better for yourself. It's out there, the change your looking for.. the only way to reach it is by doing things you dont normally do, and the universe will work in wonderous ways.
What's something uncomfortable you do to help you grow as an individual 🌼

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