🌸How can I stop overthinking about the future.? 🌸
I want live
the present but I just care more about my tomorrow...Download the HelloTalk app to join the conversation.
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Edith 수현 2020.08.18 13:17
兮兮 2020.08.18 13:18
莫小泮 2020.08.18 13:19
Sean P 2020.08.18 13:20
哈哈哈 2020.08.18 13:20
Erdaület 2020.08.18 13:20
时越 2020.08.18 13:20
时越 2020.08.18 13:21
重装小兔19C 2020.08.18 13:21
zhangzhouhan 2020.08.18 13:22
时越 2020.08.18 13:24
Fine 2020.08.18 13:29
孤身 2020.08.18 13:31
~sasha 2020.08.18 13:50
Yolanda 2020.08.18 14:01
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