🌼Sometimes it’s nice to just look at the simple things, just to take the time to really look closely at something for awhile.
🌼Sometimes it’s nice to just look at the simple things, just to take the time to really look closely at something for awhile.
가끔은 단지 소소한 것을 보는것만으로 행복해진다. 잠시동안 정말 자세히 들여보기만 해도 말이다
🌸I like to contemplate clouds ☁️and stare into the blue of the sky.
🌸I like to contemplate clouds ☁️and stare into the blue of the sky.
구름은 어디서 왔는지, 그리고 파란하늘도 뚜러지게 바라본다
🌎I like to touch things like sticks 🌱and tree branches🌳, and just sit there thinking, about .
🌎I like to touch things like sticks 🌱and tree branches🌳, and just sit there thinking, about .
개미,나무가지와의 교감. 그곳에 앉아 사색에 빠지는것이 좋다
anything, really.
anything, really.
어떤것이라도 상관없이
🍀After my jog I stopped here, breathing in the simplicity.
🍀After my jog I stopped here, breathing in the simplicity.
간단한 뜀박질은 한 후 여기에 멈춰서서 "단순함"을 들이켜본다
🌷This little ant 🐜 dude was fun to play with.
🌷This little ant 🐜 dude was fun to play with. 이 쪼금만 개미친구는 같이 노는게 재미있나보다
He has little fuzzy white hairs on his abdomen, and he didn’t scurry around, he was sort of slowly investigating his surroundings.
He has little fuzzy white hairs on his abdomen, and he didn’t scurry around, he was sort of slowly investigating his surroundings. (I should look up the English dictionary for abdomen, scurry)