When texting friends in English we have ALOT of abbreviations
. Here are a few of the common ones that we use Daily.. do you recognize any?😳😂Lmao - laughing my ass off
Lmfao - laughing my fucking ass off
Lol - laugh out loud
Idk- i don’t know
Idc- I don’t care
Ikr- i know right
Jk- joking
irl- in real life
Fr- For real
Tbh- to be honest
Nvm- never mind
Omw- on my way
Wtf- what the fuck or who the fuck(depends on context)
Wth- what the hell (who the hell)
Smh - shaking my head
Smfh - shaking my fucking head
Omg- oh my god
Brb- (I’ll) be right back
Ttyl - talk to you later
imo- in my opinion
Lmk- let me know
Lyk- (I’ll) let you know
ur - your/ you’re

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