12月にセブ島で撮った写真 🤟 とうとう編集した! 😅 道端で偶然に出会ったスケートボーダー達は僕を多くの人が集まってる
スケボー練習場所に連れて行った。数日後、僕は別の友達のパーティーに行って、前の日に練習場所でスケボーをしてた人もパーティーに来た! 😳A photo from Cebu, Philippines in December. 🤟 I finally edited it! 😅 Some skateboarders I met by chance on the side of the road took me to a skateboard practice spot where a lot of people hang out. A few days later, I went to another friend's party and a skateboarder who was at the practice spot a few days before also came! 😳
写真を撮ってるのを見たよと言われた(笑)世の中は狭いものだね 🙏
He told me he saw me taking photos the other day, haha. It's a small world 🙏

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