Me gusta explorar áreas abandonadas. En el 1800s, este edificio
era una factoría de algodón que usó poder de vapor para crear tela. Antes, se llamaba “Savage Manufacturing Company”, y la mayoría de los empleados eran mujeres.Entre 1861 y 1862 la fábrica cerró debido a la falta de algodón de los estados del sur durante la guerra civil.
Ahora, se abandona y se deja desmoronar.
I like exploring abandoned areas. In the 1800s, this building was once a cotton mill that used steam engine to create fabric. Before, it was called “Savage Manufacturing Company,” and most of the employees were women.
Between 1861 and 1862 the factory closed due to a lack of cotton from the southern states during the civil war.
Now, it is abandoned and left to crumble.

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