I love writing and telling stories. I also love going the extra
mile to make the experience special for my readers (I’m the author of The Silent Gods, a dark epic fantasy series), so whenever I sign copies of my book, I try to add special secret messages (written in invisible ink, revealed by UV light). I do the same with the letters I send to people (handwritten with a fountain pen and unique inks, sealed and stamped in wax).我喜欢写作和讲故事。 我也喜欢加倍努力,为我的读者提供特别的体验(我是《寂静之神》的作者,黑暗史诗奇幻系列),所以每当我签署我的书的副本时,我都会尝试添加特殊的秘密信息( 用隐形墨水书写,被紫外线照射)。 我对寄给人们的信件也是如此(用钢笔和独特的墨水手写,用蜡密封和盖章)。

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