過ぎたら文を書いた人は多分「やばい!私の英語はひどい!」と思うの可能性があります。でもそんなことはありません。意味を全くわからないときは珍しいです。誰かは私の修正のせいで英語の勉強を辞めったらそれは悲しいことです。言語の目的は考えを伝えることだけだと思います。どう思いますか。 私にとって、日本語は理解できないほどおかしかったら教えて下さい。そしてもう少し自然な言い方があったらもちろんで知りたいです。それ以外は大丈夫と思います!
Hi everyone, how is your weekend going?
When you are correcting people's Japanese how strict are you? Sometimes I get a little worried when I'm correcting people's English. If I'm too strict the person might think 'Oh no, my English is really bad! ' when that really isn't the case at all. It's rare that I can't understand it at all. If someone felt bad or quit studying English because of my correction that would be sad. The purpose of language is to express thoughts and ideas. What do you think?
As far as I'm concerned, if you find my Japanese so weird that you can't understand it please let me know. Also if there is a more natural way to say something I'd like to know. Other than that I think it's ok.
The photo is my fluffy dog. She's just clickbait!! 😄

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