American Slang Post
In America, we often speak in what we call
“relaxed speech.” This means that, when speaking casually, we tend to slur our words together and drop many grammar rules. To help you understand this, here are a few very common words that we use when speaking casually “What are you” becomes “Watcha”
Example: “Watcha doing right now?”
This is commonly used in speech but not commonly typed out
“Want to” becomes “wanna”
Example: “I wanna go to the movies today”
This is used commonly in both speech and texting
“Im going to” becomes “imma”
Example: “Imma go to the store, do you want something?”
This is very common in speech and is typed out but not as often
“Out of” becomes “outta”
Example: “I have to get outta the car.”
This is used in speech but it’s not really typed out
“Have to” becomes “hafta”
Example: “You hafta try this, it’s so good!”
This is spoken but never really typed out
Hope that this helps :)

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