Earlier I posed pictures of and inside the Glimmingehus Castle
in Scania, Southern Sweden. Here are some last photos, of stuff from the inside!picture 1: the castle! Click on my profile if you want to see the interior or more shots from the outside!
Picture 2-3: statue of a wild man. Although it wasn't a very common myth in Scandinavia, in continental Europe, especially among the noble, it was believed that there were wild people living the woods. They were popular to feature on coat of arms, or as statues, like this one!
Picture 4: A beautiful carpet. I don't know anything about it :(
Picture 5: A stone carving that looks like the crucifixion of Jesus. The man praying is Jens Holgersen, the first lord and the one who ordered the castle. His face has been removed from the statue by someone who didn't like him.
Picture 6: A beautiful statue of Jesus and Mary, which is also from the early 1500s.

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