Remember : EFFORT counts twice
As a society, we are obsessed
with talent as an explanation for why some people succeed and others don’t But as eloquently depicted by Angela Duckworth in her book, Grit:
Talent x Effort = Skill
Skill x Effort = Achievement
“With Effort, your Talent is nothing more than unmet potential .Withou effort, your Skill is nothing more than what you could have done but did not”
In other words, those who rise to the TOP became so only through tremendous effort. Don’t ever feel sorry for yourself with #fakenews excuses like: “I wasn’t born smart!”or “ I’m a naturally bad test taker”
But, hard work actually WILL take us to different places based on talent, luck, efforts, etc. Be deliberate in your pursuit of personal excellent but do give (a little) over the bell curve, achievement is not just defined by numbers/rankings.

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