#Sun Halo (サンハロ)(太阳晕)
今日の正午頃、シンガポールの東部でとても稀なサンハロが見えた。( ⊙_⊙)
Around noon today, rarer than rare sun halos were seen in the eastern part of Singapore. ( ⊙_⊙)
異星人が来るのか、もしくは大惨事が降り掛かるかなあ... サンハロは「大変化」の前触れだそうだ。
I wonder if aliens are coming, or if an apocalypse will befall us... The sun halo is said to be a harbinger of "major change".
優しくてイケメンである異星人なら、大丈夫だと思う。ああ、多分考え過ぎたかなあ。( *^艸^)
I think it's fine if the aliens are kind and good-looking. Oh, perhaps I thought too much. ( *^艸^)
もうすぐ雨が降り出しそうだ。٩(¨ )ว=͟͟͞͞
Looks like it's going to rain soon. ٩(¨ )ว=͟͟͞͞

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