I’m studying this on 得到 and it’s just plain fascinating. I know
a lot of people say that studying ancient Chinese isn’t that helpful when when it comes to spoken Chinese, but I still think it should be treasured. Obviously I wouldn’t go up to someone on the street and say: 予与尔言! but I still find it interesting as all get out. ☺☺☺☺17.1 阳货欲见孔子,孔子不见,归孔子豚。孔子时其亡也,而往拜之,遇诸涂。谓孔子曰:“来!予与尔言。”曰:“怀其宝而迷其邦,可谓仁乎?”曰:“不可。”“好从事而亟失时,可谓知乎?”曰:“不可。”“日月逝矣,岁不我与。”孔子曰:“诺,吾将仕矣。”
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