Hello everyone,
I'm ready to share my YouTube channel with
you. I already have some readings uploaded and am still learning the different pieces of software but I think things are good enough now that I can let you see them. My plan is to upload different readings (as I already do here) but also to focus on longer form material like short stories, longer book excerpts, and poetry books. 🤓 I am planning to read a few poetry books this year so this would be a great way for you to also read along with me and to help you achieve your own reading goals. 🌟
The readings on YT are higher quality as I have a good quality microphone and you can forward, rewind, replay, and search for them much easier. 🎙️
I am considering which whole poetical work to begin with and am thinking of A.E. Houseman's A Shropshire Lad. It is a classic work of sixty-three poems and I have wanted to read it for a while already. Whichever I select, my intention is to add each posted poem into a relevant playlist so by the end the whole book will be there and easily navigable.🕵️📚
If you have any feedback about the content I post, I will be happy to hear it. Feel free to message me with your thoughts if you want to. ☺
Thank you. ✨

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