#Sweet Treat
I love sweet food way too much and have had an
enormous sweet tooth since I was a handsome young boy (my god I was handsome as a child!). I simply can’t choose one, I always look forward to the dessert more than any part of the meal. Cookies to cake, pancakes to pretzels, ice cream of any flavor with a brownie on the side. You name it, I’ll devour it!
I love chocolate so much that I even got custom made chocolates with my family members’ pictures on them as a Christmas gift last year! (Photo 3) There’s something quite strange and satisfying about enjoying a chocolate with your face on it! I ate myself, not many people can say that!
Treating ourselves to delicious sweet treats (in moderation) is one of the great joys and guilty pleasures of life. So let’s enjoy as many as we can.
What are your favourites? Do you have a few too many like me? What would be your dream dessert and which local delicacies do you have in your hometown/country?
Let’s salivate together.
See ya!
(I was eating the brownie in the seventh photo as I wrote this)

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