Cheerful 开朗 kāilǎng
Optimistic 乐观 lèguān
悲观 bēiguān Extroverted 外向 wàixiàng
Introverted 内向 nèixiàng
Decisive 果断 guǒduàn
Hesitant 犹豫 yóuyù
Irritable 暴躁 bàozào
Careless / thoughtless 粗心 cūxīn
Careful 细心 xìxīn
Reserved 沉默 chénmò
Courageous 大胆 dàdǎn
Bashful 腼腆 miǎntiǎn
Headstrong 任性 rènxìng
Generous 大方 dàfāng
Stingy 小气 xiǎoqi
Modest 谦虚 qiānxū
Cautious 谨慎 jǐnshèn
Selfish 自私 zìsī
Arrogant 傲慢 àomàn
Quiet 冷静 lěngjìng
Stubborn 固执 gùzhí
Naive 幼稚 yòuzhì
Mischievous 调皮 tiáopí (naughty在英语中,naughty一般向小孩子,有"调皮"的意思,但是,向成年人说naughty,有点淫荡,粗俗的,下流的的意思。)
Obedient 听话 tīnghuà

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