きのうはいく-つかのキノコをみつけたので、きんきんしゃしんをおみせします。- I found a few mushrooms
yesterday and will show you photos soon. 🍄Let's talk about marmots. They are large ground squirrels and the family is comprised of 15 species. The marmots that are found here in the Western United States are Yellow-bellied Marmots. They live at high elevation in colonies and hibernate during winter. In the wild they can live up to 15 years.
I have been able to photograph a lot of them on my hiking trip a week ago. This is the third post from that hike and this one contains quite a few marmot shots. There will be more, but these marmots were some of the first I encountered on that day. They were actually pretty skittish and did not like me approaching. Most of them ran away and disappeared under rocks, but as you can see, some were happy to pose. 😎
There is more to come soon on this. 😃

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