Praticando cantar em português 😊 essa musica é maravilhosa! Pra
Você Guardei o Amor de Nando Reis.Me ajuda com o meu sotaque?

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Deivid 2019.11.11 03:02
IrisLais 2019.11.11 03:17
Kelly 2019.11.11 03:24
Kelly 2019.11.11 03:25
Deivid 2019.11.11 03:29
Beca Alves 2019.11.11 03:32
Kelly 2019.11.11 03:33
Jessica 2019.11.11 03:38
Nel 2019.11.11 03:41
Raiana Soraia 2019.11.11 03:53
Alan 2019.11.11 04:08
William Steinke de Mello 2019.11.11 04:12
Jéssica Aurora 2019.11.11 04:13
jack 2019.11.11 04:39
Patrícia Debom 2019.11.11 05:35
Ana 2019.11.11 05:45
Francielle 2019.11.11 06:30
AdhanMagro 2019.11.11 18:47
Kelly 2019.11.11 22:07
Kelly 2019.11.11 22:18
Kelly 2019.11.11 22:19
Lucas Alexandre 2019.11.11 23:14
Thainá 2019.11.11 23:28
jack 2019.11.13 12:10
Pedro Mariano 2019.11.14 16:37
Lucy 2020.01.22 21:51
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