Last year today, I was in the Okuhida Onsen-go area, leaving
the Ryokan Kazeya satisfyingly after a full breakfast. I made my way back to Takayama by bus, and got onto another bus to go to Shirakawa-go.去年の今日、私は奥飛騨温泉郷エリアにいました。フルブレックファーストの後、旅館風屋を満足のいくように出発しました。バスで高山に戻り、別のバスに乗って白川郷に行きました。
When I reached Shirakawa-go, it was already quite late, so I decided to go for my lunch because I was very hungry. I went to the restaurant that I visited previously, and ordered two portions of the Hida-gyu. It was amazing!

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