Today I climbed Asahidake. Of course, even at the peak of Hokkaido
, I was eating sweets 😋I’d say today was a pretty awesome day, as I:
- made it to top of the tallest mountain in Hokkaido
- was welcomed by a cute bird singing its tiny heart out
- saw the ezo pika
- saw the ezo chipmunk
- ate Asahikawa ramen
I’ve been having so much fun in Hokkaido I haven’t had time to write on HelloTalk, sorry! I have so much I want to share, I’ll do my best to write again soon!
- 北海道で最も高い山の頂点に行きました🏔
- かわいい鳥は私に音楽とようこそ(?)🐥
- エゾナキウサギを見た🐭
- エゾシマリスを見た🐿
- 旭川ラーメンを食べた🍜
I can’t do a recording today, so to make up for it I will do some French next time too. 今晩話せるませんので次少しフランス語を話しる。

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