도움이됐으먼 좋겠어요 ^^ 제가 자주 쓰는 줄임말들입니당! 다들열공하세용~!💪🏻💪🏻
Allg = All good
(It's alright, your welcome뜻) Asap = As soon as possible
Atm = At the moment
Brb = Be right back
Btw = By the way
Ceebs/Cbs = Can't be bothered (귀찮다는뜻)
Dwdw = Don't worry don't worry
Enuf = Enough
FB = Facebook
Fyi = For your information
Hru? = How are you?
Ik = I know
Ikr = I know right
Lmao = Laugh my ass off
Lmk = Let me know
Lyk = Let you know
Lol = Laugh out loud
Nws = No worries
Ofc = Ofcourse
Omg = Oh my god
Omw = On my way
Pls = Please
Probs = Probably
Rlly = Really
Rn = Right now
Sry = Sorry
Tbh = To be honest
Ttyl = Talk to you later
Ty = Thankyou
Wbu? = What about you?
Wdym? = What do you mean?
Wru? = Where are you?
Wth = What the hell
Wyd? = What you doing?

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