I saw the Leshan Buddha today. It's the largest Buddha statue
in the world. It took 91 years to complete and three generations of workers. Sichuan province China

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Cler 2019.07.22 05:27
jing_potter 2019.07.22 05:30
Poppy 2019.07.22 05:30
Lana 2019.07.22 05:51
发酵中的小陈 2019.07.22 07:54
辛木 2019.07.22 10:43
Shubham 2019.07.22 21:02
Ellen 2019.07.25 06:49
vivi loves kiwi 2019.07.28 05:19
辛木 2019.07.30 11:58
泊安 2019.08.01 03:03
婧格格 2019.09.01 15:39
圆圆的圆 2019.09.25 13:32
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