I went to eat sushi today 🍣! Sushi in Switzerland is very expensive
about 150-200.- (Swiss Franc) is sushi also expensive in your country💰?My favorite are the sushi rolls 😋 with lot of sauce🌸
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BenjaminWu 2020.02.07 12:12
Haru 2020.02.07 12:12
maho 2020.02.07 12:13
Jason欢乐颂 2020.02.07 12:14
随风的猫 2020.02.07 12:18
Matijgi 2020.02.07 12:21
Li zi 2020.02.07 12:22
安娜 2020.02.07 12:25
Lin 2020.02.07 13:05
jessie 2020.02.07 13:40
jessie 2020.02.07 13:42
jessie 2020.02.07 13:42
jessie 2020.02.07 13:42
jessie 2020.02.07 13:42
jessie 2020.02.07 13:43
jessie 2020.02.07 13:43
jessie 2020.02.07 13:43
法图麦 2020.02.07 14:06
Alex 2020.02.07 16:12
Margo馒头 2020.02.08 07:22
jessie 2020.02.08 09:07
Nico 2020.02.15 23:13
jessie 2020.02.15 23:20
Younglak 2020.03.19 12:20
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