English Expression : could be right under your nose!
Peter: Steven you’re such a slob! How many times should I warn you not to pile everything up and scatter stuff around? The place is a complete mess!
Steven: Here we go again! I bet you’ve lost your glasses. Haven’t you?
Peter: Of course not! This time my wallet is missing. I’ve looked high and low but to no avail.
Steven: Just stop nagging and it’ll turn up! It could be right under your nose!
Peter: Here it is! On the TV. Anyway, I’m gonna straighten the flat out.
A slob: (noun) a person who is lazy and has low standards of cleanliness.
Pile up: to accumulate; to put things on top of each other
Scatter around: carelessly put in different places.
A mess: (noun) disorderly, cluttered condition; bad or confused situation.
Look high and low: to look everywhere.
Nag: harass (someone) constantly to do something that they are averse to.
Turn up: to appear.
Right under someone’s nose: in an obvious, nearby place.
Straighten something out: to make something tidy or organized.
Here it is/they are!: said when you've found something you're looking for.

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