Been busy with work the whole day and just found this trending
topic in Twitter #cancelkorea.This person's comment is beyond the belt. It would really trigger emotions to defend one's country.
But, I dont agree with the hashtag. It should not be #cancelkorea nor cancel a specific country. It should be #cancelracism. One person's mistake is not enough to drag the entire country down. There might be few Koreans who are really too judgemental with appearances, but we can't deny the fact that there are Filipinos who are just like this person too (I have encountered one). And the same goes with other people out there.
To those people who loves to criticize someone's appearance and nationality, hope you will be happy in your life. To this person, whoever you are, I feel sorry you have this kind of mindset.
To the nice Koreans out there who might be hurt with this hashtag, considering you did nothing wrong, gonna say sorry. Please remember that this has nothing to do with you.
We might be of different culture, different skin colors, different nationality and of economic status, but at the end of the day, we are all HUMANS. We all deserve to live in this world free from any forms of hurtful words and insults - to enjoy life without any restrictions.

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