Cool girls and Dungeons and Dragons 🐉
(Patrick Cullen)
comes running up to his best friend to talk about a conversation he overheard between the girls in his class. Billy:
Andy! Dude! You are not going to believe what I just overheard! Okay so, I am walking back from the library right, I just checked out the Dungeons and Dragons Monster Manual, I know you can get a PDF online but you know how I feel about books – anyway! So – I am walking back out of the library right, and I see like Alicia and Breanna and Kylie all the ‘cool’ girls walking towards me and they’re like talking and laughing and stuff like that. So I do what any of us would do right? I hide! I duck myself between a watercooler and a classroom door and a I turn to face the door like I am reading the class list on the front of it and they walk right on by! And as they’re going past I am ready for them to make fun of me or to like say something super witty and cutting but what I heard instead blew me away. As they walked past I heard Kylie say ‘Yeah, like I am so sick of playing a Barbarian, I think I want to make a new character.’ and then Alicia said ‘No way babe! I love Torben the Barbarian, she’s amazing!’ (a beat) Dude. The cool girls at our school are playing Dungeons and Dragons. The cool girls at OUR SCHOOL are playing Dungeons and Dragons! I wonder if they need a halfling wizard?

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