はNo Knead Bread をと言う。水と小麦粉と酵母をだけ使います!ところで、アメリカは今日は土曜日だから、僕は日曜日の大きい朝ご飯を料理します.Biscuits and Gravy! 明日は楽しみです!
There is still a lot of Corona in America. Here everyone is baking bread! My wife makes a really great No Knead Bread ! It is just water and flour and yeast! You mix it together and then let it sit in a bowl overnite for about 18 hours. You just let it sit in the room and cover it with a towel. Then you fold it down and let it rise again for about two hours. Then you cook it in a special Dutch oven pot at really high heat for about 30 minutes. おいしいです!

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