How to transform hardship into your dream life
A friend asked
me a very interesting question recently. She asked me, "Have you ever gone through hard times in your life? What did you do to get through it successfully?" I'm really glad she asked me this because I have been through much training in my own personal life and through classes in order to be able to address this and respond in a very successful manner.
I will outline some very simple steps that anyone can take to get through hard times one step at a time so that things that are difficult will become much easier.
First let me start by quoting a wise man who once said, "If you're feeling any emotions that you do not want to feel, it is for one reason: it is because your own intelligence is working against you. If it were working for you, then you would be creating the emotions that you want and not the emotions that you don't want.
So let me help you take some steps so you can guide your mind with intelligence. 🙂
Step 1: Become aware that you are feeling emotions that you do not want.
Step 2: Take five deep breaths breathing deeply in very fast and then slowly exhaling.
Step 3: Place your hand closely in front of your face and hold it there for 5 seconds. Then move your hand back farther away from your face, still looking at it and looking at everything that is around it. This is for you to recognize that you are focusing in on one specific small part of your life and ignoring all other things.
Step 4: Sit down and take 10 minutes away from everyone else and write down all the things that are making you feel these ways that you do not want and why.
Step 5. Now it stop and take 10 minutes time to write down all the things that you want in your life in place of those things.
Step 6: Make a plan and set weekly goals. Create a daily plan for yourself to slowly make progress every day to make your desires a reality.

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