A little story I wish to share.
Last semester a friend of mine
asked me to give a charity class to a left behind school. She didn't knew that my father died a week ago then. My father was a french politician, he fighted all his life to help people, and particularly people with difficulties in life. For my father I accepted the opportunity and went there. What I saw there was unbelievable, the english teacher is a young 美女 enthusiastic and so full of life ! Her works is incredible, she try all she can to give the motivation, the ressources, and more importantly: the taste of knowledge to childrens that are born with true burden. She is for me without a doubt a hero !
I gave my lesson to teenagers. You know teenagers, they can sometimes give the look to be bored of everything, and it's hard to know when they like something or not. I tried my best to cheer them up to show them that english is a way of expressing themselves more than just a language, I tried my best.
On the middle of my lesson, a teenager asked me in Chinese, "老师,怎么说”走”“ I was thinking she didn't like my lesson and wanted to tell me to leave, but whatever, she was trying to speak English, so I translated: "go", you can tell me "go".
She then tell me in a bad english: "Teacher, no go"
I will never forget this moment. Even now I still have chill when I talk about it. I promised myself that just for this student I will come back.
My situation is not stable now, but as soon as my situation is stable, I plan to settle a weekly english class for them 😃
Wish me luck guys !
Thanks for reading

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