Some introduction advice for you!
Many people here have trouble
getting responses from English speakers on HelloTalk. This is because we often get many messages, so the best way to get a response is a good self-introduction. Also, before asking a bunch of questions, read the persons self-introduction on their profile page. Then you can ask questions about their self-introduction. Often, the first message I receive from people is: (Please don’t start a conversation like this!)
✅What’s your name?
✅Please teach me English!
✅Please help me!
✅Where are you from?
✅Are you a teacher?
All of this information is available in my introduction on my profile page.
❇️Imagine you were meeting me for the first time in a shopping mall or on the subway. Would you say?: “please teach me English” Probably not!
In English, even though 'hello' is a basic greeting, there are other ways to start a conversation with a stranger.
For example:
A: Hello.
B: Hey.
A: How are you?
B: I'm good, how about you?
A: I'm good too, please teach me English.
Awkward conversation!
The problem in this scenario is that “A” hasn't told “B” who they are or shown any interest in “B” as a person, so “B” doesn't feel comfortable.
A good greeting is to briefly explain who you are and show some interest in your new friend by talking about something related to them, such as the biography or their country.
For example:
A: Hello “B”, I'm “A”, nice to meet you. I saw you're from America and I really like your country! I'm learning English because I love American movies and I'd love to visit New York City next year.
B: Hey “A”, nice to meet you too. What's your favorite American movie? I love "Forrest Gump", have you seen it?
Natural comfortable conversation.....
Give this a try and see what happens!

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