每天都是一个新的开始。 昨天的真实今天可能不是真实的。 敞开心扉,接受生活中伟大的东西的可能性, 未曾想到的事情的可能性
。 我们有很多没有意识到的-关于我们自己,周围的人以及生活。 深吸一口新鲜空气。不要总以为自己已经悟透人生 不要等到灾难发生后才知道自己多么无知。 乐于发现生活,发现新的可能性。 生活是美好而无限的。 🙂Everyday is a new beginning. What was true yesterday might not be true today. Open your mind to the possibility of receiving something great in your life, something you did not conceive. There is much we are unaware of - about ourselves, the people around us, about life. We are enamored by our own imaginations. Take deep breaths of fresh air. Something unimaginable and wonderful could happen at any minute. Don't be so sure that you know so much about how life operates. Don't wait for a disaster to happen to show you how ignorant you are. Be open to discovering life, discovering new possibilities. Life is wonderful and infinite. 🙂

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