Water and ice, part 2.
Thanks for the likes on my earlier post
today! I decided to show you the second batch of photos as well. This is maybe more artsy as I was zooming into the ice formations, but I am quite fond of this series. 🤠 I really need to finish my travel journal from last summer. There are so many photos to go through, it's one of the curses of digital photography. You are no longer limited by the number of photos as you don't need to spend any money on film, developing it and printing photos or making slides and a tiny microSD card can now store thousands of images. So then what happens is you come home and you have a huge amount of photos and don't take the time to select the ones you like for editing and for sharing. They just sit somewhere on a hard drive. At least that has been my problem and I am finally getting serious about addressing it. 😎
Have a nice rest of the weekend!

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