兄さんは写真を取りますが好きです~ お誕生日のプレセントは....新しいのスマホカメラレンズ!そのレンスは私の両親からもらった~~
📚Today's topic is... hobbies!🎶
My eldest brother loves to take pictures/photos! (photography 📸) As a birthday present, he got....a new phone camera lens!! The lens was gift from my parents/ given to him by my parents.
(Please look at the pictures below)✨
I love bees! That bee is really cute, it has such a flufffffffyyy back, doesn't it? In our garden, these beautiful flowers bloomed. The name of this flower is "Strawberry clover".🍀 I'm quite happy~ I was happy to see the flowers! 🌼
Please have a wonderful day! 🌈
^🤔The English above is less casual, I was trying to provide a closer translation to the Japanese✨
🍀Please feel free to correct my Japanese! 🍀

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