というキャンプ場でした。2回目の利用でお勧めのキャンプ場です。とてもよく整備され、森の中でキャンプが楽しめます🌳🌳🌳⛺ 富士山も一瞬みれて感動的でした🗻
I just got back from camping at the
foot of Mt Fuji🗻
The weather was a bit grey, but the cherry blossoms were in full bloom.
We went to a place called 'Lake Loge Yamanaka'. It's the second time I've been there and I really recommend it. It's in a woodland and very well set up. We were even able to see My Fuji for a little moment, which was really impressive.
One thing that was fun this time was that I tried making grilled sandwiches.
I always love going camping, but I also like how it makes me appreciate my home more when I come back.
I just got back now, so I think I'm going to have a good rest after tidying up the tent things🐨

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