前週の間、南アフリカのクワズール・ナタール州で、ズマ前大統 領の収 監に対する抗 議デモが暴 徒に化しまして、大規模な略
奪と破壊が起きています。消防や警 察にも全く手に負えない状況とな っています。最終的に政 府は軍を派遣したけど、事態を鎮 静化できませんでした。社会不安が最大都市ヨハネスブルクにも広がった事あります。
今まで、混 乱が広がる中、死者は117人を超えました。
In the past week in the KwaZulu-Natal province of South Africa, protests over the imprisonment of former president Jacob Zuma soon devolved into lawless mobs, leading to looting and destruction on a massive scale.
The situation was soon beyond the control of the local police and fire services, the gov ernment eventually deploying military troops.
However, they too were unable to effectively bring the situation under control and social unrest began to spread outside the province to major cities such as Johannesburg.
To date, at least 117 have lost their lives amid the turmoil.
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