#15 Weekly Learning - Korean 📝
Hello HT friends 😄,
to my weekly learning of 🇰🇷🇯🇵🇷🇺 ❓ Question: Where is your favourite spot at home?
🍎 Dialogue 1: Casual conversation - When are you coming home?
✏️ Example 1:
🧒🏻 엄마: 오늘 집에 언제 들어와? 늦어?
🧒🏻 엄마: When are you coming home today? Will you be late?
👩🏻 은비: 네. 늦게 올 거예요.
👩🏻 은비: Yes, I will come home late.
🧒🏻 엄마: 어제보다 더 늦게 올 거야?
🧒🏻 엄마: Will you come home later than yesterday?
👩🏻 은비: 아직 몰라요.
👩🏻 은비: I don’t know yet.
🧒🏻 엄마: 저녁 먹고 올 거야?
🧒🏻 엄마: Will you come home after having dinner?
👩🏻 은비: 네. 먹고 올 거예요.
👩🏻 은비: Yes. I will eat (out) and come home.
🧒🏻 엄마: 일이 많아?
🧒🏻 엄마: Do you have a lot of work?
👩🏻 은비: 네. 요즘 일이 많아서 바빠요.
👩🏻 은비: Yes. I have a lot of work these days, so I’m busy.
🧒🏻 엄마: 그래도 저녁 꼭 먹어야돼.
🧒🏻 엄마: But you need to make sure you have dinner.
👩🏻 은비: 네. 알겠어요
👩🏻 은비: Yes, I will.
🧒🏻 엄마: 12시 전에 와.
🧒🏻 엄마: Come home before midnight.
👩🏻 은비: 네. 노력해 볼게요.
👩🏻 은비: Yeah. I will try.
🕊 I would appreciate if you could leave your audio to read the above contents via comment or PM to me for my learning 🎙
🕊 It would also be nice if you could share some examples of the above grammar/vocabulary 👍🏼
🕊 Feel free to drop me a comment below ✒️
Thank you 🤗
Source: Conversation Textbook
*Pardon for my pronunciation. Please correct it when necessary.

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