人のハンターが山猫軒🐈というレストランに入ります。次々と書かれているおかしな注文に、始めは疑いもなく従っていた2人でしたが、最後の注文を見て自分たちが食べられてしまうと気づきます…🐱🐱🐱 私の家には山猫はいませんので、ご飯を食べにいらっしゃいませんか👻
It's a foggy, quiet night 🌃🌖✨
While cooking rice by myself, I remembered the story of a Restaurant With Many Orders that I read a long time ago... Two hunters enter a restaurant called Wildcat House🐈 At first, the two people were following many strange orders written on the backside of the doors 🚪 inside the restaurant. They followed these strange orders one after another without any suspicions, but when they saw the last order, they realized that they were going to be eaten❗️🐱🐱🐱
There are NO wildcats in my house so why don’t you come and visit?👻✨
Don’t get lost in the fog...
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