When To Start Getting Used To Japanese
The sooner you start
looking at Japanese, the sooner you’ll start reading it. The sooner you start hearing Japanese, the sooner you’ll start understanding it. It is because the thing takes time, it is precisely because the result is not instant that we must start now. The longer a thing takes to do, the sooner it must be started on. A thing that can be finished instantly can be started on at any time. You can microwave a cup of hot chocolate right when you want it. But you have to start on that pizza long before you want it. Even if you order delivery, it’ll take like a half hour to get to you. Japanese will take time to get used to, therefore we have to start getting used to it now — long before we need it. Paradoxically, then, it can be said of any task that urgency is inversely proportional to duration.
Will it only take 2 minutes to do? Then do it later.
Will it take years to do? Then start this instant!
Source: All Japanese All The Time (AJATT)
This advice is for Japanese learners but applies to all languages.

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