🎆Tongue Twister Challenge🎇🤣🤣🤣
⚡️Part 2
This is the tongue twister
challenge that no one has asked for. It’s actually not a “real” tongue twister in the traditional sense, but I do think it qualifies as a tongue twister, because what I’m about to say is going to be pretty long and performed by taking only one breath. And, I have the added challenge of my nose being congested due to spring allergies… Anyway, here we go:
I’m going to speak for long as a possible by taking only one breath, yes, only one breath. I’ve never done this before, and I don’t know why I’m doing this now, but perhaps, Hello Talk will pick this post and feature it and get hundreds of people to listen to my nasally and congested voice. Do you have any allergies? How bad is it your country? I’m in South Korea right now, and it’s pretty bad here. Aside from a congested nose, I also have a runny nose, and I sneeze constantly. Have you ever sneezed with your mask on? It’s absolutely terrible! Every time I want to sneeze with a mask on, I want to secretly take my mask off and sneeze, loudly and comfortably. COVID or allergies, please God, just pick one!

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