今週、私のお婆ちゃんは東京へ来ました!花見をしたいです🌸 81歳です。。。とても元気ですねー!👵
たくさんやっています。東京に観光です、笑😁 (私はもっとパンケーキ食べています🥞) 昨日、私は初めて和菓子をつきりました。むずくしかったです!!すみません、綺麗ないだと思います、でも美味しかったです🥰❤️
This week, my grandmother came to visit me in Tokyo! She wanted to see the cherry blossoms and take part in ‘hanami’. She came all by herself even though she is 81 years old - what a trooper!
We’ve also been doing lots of activities and being tourists around Tokyo, haha. I have been eating more pancakes too... (as always)
Yesterday I took her to a wagashi-making class and I made wagashi for the first time! I’m sorry they don’t look great, but they tasted delicious so I was very happy 😍
I hope everyone is enjoying the cherry blossoms in Tokyo 🌸

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