I honestly have no words. The amount of racists making jokes
and spreading rumours about Chinese people during this corona virus outbreak makes me sick.I have just graduated high school, but I am genuinely scared for all of the Chinese international students or ABCs going back to school this week in Australia and other western countries. I know for a fact that their classmates will make racist, ignorant and mean comments towards them. I hope they stay strong and I am thinking about them 🙏🏻
It is DISGUSTING that anyone would say that China deserves the virus because of political or racial reasons. These are real people that you are talking about. No one deserves to get the virus. No one deserves to die.
It also makes me angry that the Western media uses this as a chance to demonise China and Chinese people. They use this as a chance to make Chinese people look disgusting and dirty. I bet you, if this were happening in a European or western country, there would be a LOT more sympathy.
During Australia's big bushfires, people were more than happy to give money to donate to save koalas. Where are all these people now? There are PEOPLE dying and you don't even care all of a sudden? Lots of places in China now lack medical supplies. Doctors and innocent people could not spend time with their family during Chinese New Year, the most important time of the year for them, because they were volunteering to treat patients and manufacture more masks and other medical supplies.
My heart is broken. My heart hurts. I just want this to all go away. My thoughts are with all of those affected by this terrible virus.
Things will get better, I'm sure of it. Stay strong Wuhan! Stay strong China!
武汉加油! 中国加油! 💪🏻🇨🇳❤️

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