🌐 considerate /kənˈsidərət/
- careful not to cause inconvenience
or hurt others; caring, polite, thoughtful. I get messages ranging from “Teach me, I want to learn! Are you there? Talk to me!” to “I’ll be happy to help you, feel free to ask any questions!”
While the latter is very sweet and inviting, I have to reply that at the moment I don’t have a lot of time for private chatting.
Reactions range from “F* you! Who do you think you are!” to “Thank you for taking the time to reply”.
Thank you for taking the time to read my posts and leave your comments. It brightens up my day.
The bottom line is that a private language exchange conversation is not the only way to learn with this app.
Follow native speakers and fellow learners, read their posts and interact with them in the comments.
🙏🏻 Namaste “The light in me bows to the same light within you.”

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