This is an old picture, but today I’m going to have this pizza
again. It’s Chicago style. It’s so BIG it’s hard to eat it!!! 🍕

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최시원 2019.12.07 11:49
Mi 2019.12.07 11:53
May 2019.12.07 12:09
ʀᴏʙʙʏ ʟᴏɴᴅᴏɴ 2019.12.07 12:10
ʀᴏʙʙʏ ʟᴏɴᴅᴏɴ 2019.12.07 12:10
Nora 2019.12.07 12:14
ʀᴏʙʙʏ ʟᴏɴᴅᴏɴ 2019.12.07 12:16
limiaoling 2019.12.07 12:38
ʀᴏʙʙʏ ʟᴏɴᴅᴏɴ 2019.12.07 12:39
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