今朝にパンケーキを作った🥞。でもメープルシロップがなかった!😱 😒「兄!なんで…?!ここはカナダだよー!!」笑笑!そして
レモンと砂糖かけた。😌夜にステーキ🥩を焼いた!🤤骨付き肉は大好き! 🍖最後に犬みたい骨の残った肉を食べる。だから犬が大好き。何か満足感じた。笑笑山に⛰行ってカヌー🛶をレンタルした。池に誰でもいなかった!プライベートな池だった!!!😊✨✨✨
In the morning, I made some pancakes 🥞 . But there was no maple syrup. 😱”Hey dude! Wha...? This is Canada?!? What gives?!” Lol So we just out lemon and sugar on the pancakes. At night, I made some steaks. Mmmmmm! 😍 I love meat on the bone. 🍖 I can pick up the bone after and gnaw on it like a dog. Maybe this is why I love dogs. It feels so satisfying to do that. Lol
We drove into the mountains and rented a canoe. There was no one there! It was our private lake!! 😁✨✨✨

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