釣りした🎣これはRainbowt Trout
✨その二人は凄かった!20以下分で5匹を釣りした。僕達は3時間と2池の後で1匹を釣りした!笑笑!その二人はスポーツフィッシングをやったるから、魚がいらないと言った。ラッキー✌ 家でバターたっぷりでフライパンで焼いた。他の料理をやった。玉ねぎとパプリカとズッキーニとにんにくを軽く焼いて魚に入れて優しいに煮込んだ。白バルサミコのブールブランをかけた。新鮮な魚とソースはたいへんn美味しかった!最高!😍
We went fishing. This is rainbow trout.
We had 5 fish! We caught one. We got the other 4 fish from some kind fishermen. Those two were amazing! In less than 20 minutes, they caught 5 fish. After 3 hours and 2 lakes, we caught 1 fish! Lol! Because they were fishing for sport, they didn’t want the fish. Lucky us!!
Back at home, I fried up some fish in a pan with lots of butter. For another dish, I sweated some onions, bell pepper, zucchini, and garlic. Then stuffed the fish and poached it gently. Finally, I poured a white balsamic vinegar beurre blanc sauce over the the fish. The fish was so fresh and with the sauce.....amazingly delicious! The best! 😍
Do you know this technique of taking out the guts?

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