发音联系 - 请多多指教 - 花木兰
English reading in the comments.
有一个聪明勇敢的女孩儿,名叫花木兰。她和爸爸、妈妈、姐姐、弟弟住在一个小村庄,一家人过着快乐的生活。 木兰的爸爸年纪大了,他以前是一位军人。他很喜欢木兰,把她当男孩儿来培养。木兰十多岁时候,她爸爸除了教她读书写字外,还带木兰到村外的河边练习骑马、射箭。没事的时候,木兰还喜欢看爸爸的旧兵书。
In ancient China, there was a brave and intelligent young lady named Hua Mulan. She and her family, her father, mother, elder sister and younger brother, lived in a small village. They were a happy family.
Mulan’s father already reached a senior age. Being a veteran from the army, he raised Mulan like a boy, as Mulan was his favorite. When she became a teenager, he took her to the riverside outside of the village and taught her riding and archery in addition to her normal studies. During her leisure time, Mulan liked to read her father’s military books for fun.
(”村外的河边练习骑马、射箭“ 我知道这个句子有几个问题嘻嘻)
Pinyin for classmates to read along:
Zài gǔlǎo de zhōngguó, yǒu yīgè cōngmíng yǒnggǎn de nǚhái ér, míng jiào huā mùlán. Tā hé bàba, māmā, jiějiě, dìdì zhù zài yīgè xiǎo cūnzhuāng, yījiā rénguòzhe kuàilè de shēnghuó. Mùlán de bàba niánjì dàle, tā yǐqián shì yī wèi jūnrén. Tā hěn xǐhuān mùlán, bǎ tā dāng nánhái ér lái péiyǎng. Mùlán shí duō suì shíhòu, tā bàba chúle jiào tā dúshū xiězì wài, hái dài mùlán dào cūn wài de hé biān liànxí qímǎ, shèjiàn. Méishì de shíhòu, mùlán hái xǐhuān kàn bàba de jiù bīngshū.

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