ハロートーク ハロー!👋🏼
I’m finally back from my trip! 🐢💬
Traveling to
Tokyo and back was honestly a bit tiring, but the trip as a whole was a lot of fun! I even got to meet some friends (old and new) along the way 👭👫✨
Thank you to everyone who made time out of their busy schedules to come hang out with me 💕
Below are the prefectures that I visited:
広島 (Hiroshima) 🌧👋🏼
愛知 (Aichi) 🏛⛲️🚂
東京 (Tokyo) 🍔🌃🎂✨
千葉 (Chiba) 🎡🎢 ②④♟🎲
大阪 (Osaka) 🥪 🚌 🔄
広島 (home) 🏠☀️
I will be posting about them in parts because I have wayyy too many pictures 😂💦
Below is part 1 ↓
Summer trip ① Meiji-mura in Aichi 🚂
日曜日は愛知県の犬山市にある明治村という博物館へ行ってきました 👟
Last Sunday, I visited Meiji-mura, an open-air museum in Inuyama which features many historical buildings from the Meiji, Taisho, and Showa eras of Japan 🎌
What especially caught my eye was the main entrance and lobby of the Imperial Hotel designed by the American architect Frank Lloyd Wright in Tokyo in the early 1900s 📐
The hotel was demolished in 1967 to make room for newer buildings, but historians were able to salvage some of its original pieces and the hotel was reconstructed nearly 20 years later! 🛠⏳
I was amazed to see how much detail was poured into designing and reconstructing that building! 😮
This is, of course, only one of many beautiful structures throughout the park! ✨
If you’re into history or architecture, you should definitely check this place out! 😉

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