请多多指教!English reading is in the comments.
一试做陶器了。由于病毒,今年不行去中国, 明年可能去吧。 也许反而去中国,我去希腊看外婆外公。 在太阳下的一个月份, 非常好。我是真爱太阳的,我在南非太阳下出生,我想在太阳下死。 我一点时间都不想呆灰色的英国了。
Wǒ kǎolǜ qù zhōngguó xuéxí táocí yǐhòu, wǒ jīntiān shì yī shì zuò táoqìle. Yóuyú bìngdú, jīnnián bùxíng qù zhōngguó, míngnián kěnéng qù ba.
Yěxǔ fǎn'ér qù zhōngguó, wǒ qù xīlà kàn wàipó wàigōng. Zài tàiyáng xià de yīgè yuèfèn, fēicháng hǎo. Wǒ shì zhēn'ài tàiyáng de, wǒ zài nánfēi tàiyáng xià chūshēng, wǒ xiǎng zài tàiyáng xià sǐ. Wǒ yīdiǎn shíjiān dōu bùxiǎng dāi huīsè de yīngguóle
Today I tried some pottery after considering continuing my studies in China. I thought about studying Ceramics in Jingdezhen, just an idea though! However, I can’t study this year due to COVID restrictions, maybe next year.
Instead, maybe I will spend some time in Greece with my grandparents. A month on the beach in the sun, how nice! I love the sun, I was born in South Africa under the sun, I want to die under the sun. Get me out of grey England!

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